We are very excited to be the proud new owners of 10 Algitha Road, Skegness as of October 2022
After 22 years of working at the Richmond in Skegness, it's time for us to move. We have big plans to expand and open lots of opportunities for new people to join our business offering a range of different services and treatments.

Over the next couple of months we will be renovating and getting our clinic ready for us to open the doors to the NEW Body & Sole in January 2023!
In the new year we will start work on the rest of the building, we have a number of treatment rooms, office space and even a studio that will be available to rent ( from Spring 2023).
Anyone interested or wanting more information should contact Amelia on 07979243819!
We will be updating our Facebook page with news, photos and plans so keep your eyes peeled!